Safety and sustainability
In compliance with our HSSE Policy, we commit to preventing all accidents, occupational diseases, and environmental impact. Therefore, we continuously optimize the operations of all of our subsidiaries and promote a proactive safety culture in order to achieve technological, organizational, and behavior-based safety. The Corporate Department of Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) of Hamburg establishes guidelines and directives for every subsidiary. Benchmarks are set and performance is compared in order to achieve continuous improvement.
Developing thorough HSSE rules that are suited to the different operational units is an important first step. The foundation for establishing suitable local management systems at the locations is provided by these guidelines. A global incident database is one of the most important resources for incident learning. All accidents, near misses, dangerous scenarios, and activities are meticulously recorded and thoroughly examined to guarantee they don’t occur again. HSSE notifications are created when needed, sent to the appropriate parties, and discussed with our staff.
HSSE Policy
It takes caution and proper techniques to handle large amounts of valuable and potentially toxic liquids. We pledge to consistently run every one of our facilities throughout the globe in a safe and effective manner. Our objectives include preventing work-related illnesses, accidents, and injuries in addition to safeguarding the environment. As a result, we continuously enhance every aspect of our business operations and promote a proactive safety culture in an effort to attain technological, organizational, and behavior-based safety.
We put into practice eight safety principles in 2022 that uphold our beliefs and improve our performance and safety culture. At every level of our company, safety is a fundamental principle that guides every decision, and we hold ourselves entirely responsible for our safety performance. The management will support the execution of this policy with transparency and adamance. For our HSSE performance to continue earning us the respect and confidence of our clients, neighbors, and the community at large, we need the collaboration of all of our employees, contractors, and other workers.
Security Of Our Facilities
Every company has put in place sufficient defenses against potential assaults on the security of our buildings, taking into consideration specific local security concerns. Access control systems, motion detectors, fencing, and camera surveillance are a few of the methods. A vital part of our security plan is the careful training and oversight of all outside workers working at the terminal, such as contractors, surveyors, and truck drivers.
Technological progress is linked to an increasing amount of data files and their interconnectedness. In addition to the undeniable benefits, there are new risks. Regardless of whether the data is used abroad or pertains to clients, vendors, or employees, we place a high focus on protecting personal information in line with our values of honesty and social responsibility (see also Marquard & Bahls Code of Conduct). With high awareness of potential risks, a proactive safety culture and a healthy learning mindset, we aim to make sure everyone at Liquin – employees, contractors and visitors – goes home safely. Every year, we are inspected for compliance with the Hazards of Major Accidents Decree (BRZO) and the Seveso Directive.